24 September, 2006
Pre-Release mindi and mondo Packages Available
I have some hopes that mindi 1.20 and mondo 2.20 will be released sufficiently early for the freeze (i.e. soon ;-) ). To help ensuring that things are indeed in good shape at release time, I thought, I make some pre-release packages available.
Please test and send feedback - good or bad!
I've done some testing myself on amd64/DVD and i386/NFS with good results apart from the missing fixes for #320152 and #379966 - they will be in upstream or the final package versions though.
Please test and send feedback - good or bad!
I've done some testing myself on amd64/DVD and i386/NFS with good results apart from the missing fixes for #320152 and #379966 - they will be in upstream or the final package versions though.
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Hi Matija,
That's already in the standard Debian archives: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/shells/mindi-busybox
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That's already in the standard Debian archives: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/shells/mindi-busybox
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